Friday, January 18, 2008

Undated [sometime before 2000]

I stand up to start my journey
I dream of flying
Of soaring and touching the sky
I take a few steps
Something feels different
I open my eyes
It’s a different view
It’s cloudy, dark and I’m confused.
I’m looking for my yellow road to my dreams,
So desperately and so forlornly
Hope rises like a wave,
Only to ebb away
And then, continuously follows its tide like nature
Will I see my dream, my silver lining anywhere?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Life and Friends

" again, from way back... years ago..."

You are on of my very special friends
And I’m not saying so because it’s one of the current trends
There are so many experiences we share
About each other, we do immensely care
Yet sometimes, we’re busy, lazy or doing some incredible feat,
And we hardly get to talk and meet

For each one, life paves different roads
We go through life, solving its unique codes
Along this journey, we live our lives
Through its myriad races, hurdles, and dives
And in the process, apart we just happen to drift
While the sands of time do shift.

Whichever way, on this vast sea, we row
However, far away, we happen to go
I want you to remember forever
I hope this friendship never does sever
I’ll always be your friend, no matter what
Even in life’s paradoxes, if we do get caught

All the world's a stage

" from years ago...part of the paper to blog conversion lot"

All the world’s a stage
So said Shakespeare, theatre’s wise old sage
Drama, music, painting…all the arts
Were then the rage of all the living hearts

‘And now the Times that have come’,
the Muses so decree ‘A far cry from all that was Wonderful & Free’
Superficiality, Dishonour, Fascism and Stabbing in the Back
Are today in and on the very right Track.

So, this is what we’ve come to be,
Refinement, culture…from us, do flee,
A fine erosion of that golden age
And so will be written on life’s eternal page.

All the world’s a stage
Not ever been affected by Time’s merciless ravage,
The statement till today holds true,
But the nuances can be seen by a few.

Birthday poem

"found scribbled on an old crumpled paper in the loft...written years ago"

Friends like you are hard to come by
And believe me, this is no lie
So believe in yourself & follow your own dreams
And soon, you’ll become one of the world’s crème de la crèmes

Along with it, loads of fun
And good wishes in many a ton,
On your birthday, you’re wished the very best
And a life full of zest.

The Best Things in Life

...From way back whilst in college & when i was new to Bangalore...

The Best Things in Life…Are free

Life with its myriad colours, unpredictable elements, a kaleidoscope of images, when the substance often intertwines with its shadow. The voice of experience tells me never to take things for granted. Your driving ambition, your strife to make it big takes you places but somewhere down the line, you realize money is not everything. After all, fortune can change hands someday. At this point of my life, I’ve come to accept there are far many things worth loving other than money.
The spectacular culmination of he sun and the sea at sunset, the sensuous pleasure of reveling in the first caress of dawn, the radiant blush of a newly-wed bride, the reluctant smile of an angry child, the abstractness of images that clouds combine to form, the revitalized nostalgia during a school reunion, the tranquility of silence, the sheer abandon of a puppy playing with its kin….some nature’s bequests, some an extension of one’s persona, all present when one finds the time to sit back and enjoy all what is within one’s sensitivity, all the best things in life which …are free!